News 2009


02 Dec 2009

Note of Press

Note of Press

As it comes occurring from his same creation, the ACT has come developing during the season 2009 a plan antidopaje in the breast of his competition, subjecting to the clubs and his sporty to diverse controls tendentes to prevenir and, in his case, sanction performances related with the use of substances and methods forbidden in the sport. Pues Well, along the season 2009 have realised a total of 70 controls antidopaje on physiological samples of urine, distributed in 30 controls in competition (realised in 8 regatas of the Saint League Miguel and League Eusko Train) and 40 controls out of competition. All the clubs of the ACT have been subjected along the season to some control of doping, so much in competition and out of competition and all the teams participants in the League Eusko Train to some control of doping in competition. With the current analytical technicians that it has the laboratory of control of doping has not accredited the utilisation of any substance or method forbidden of between the included in the list of reference. Equally, in addition to the controls of doping, were obtained along the season 412 blood samples of remeros pertaining to all the clubs of the association, analysing some parameters hematológicos tendentes to know possible alterations produced by the utilisation of dopantes. Any blood data of the analytical effected show, neither individual neither colectivamente, parameters or objective values that they are indicators of an eventual utilisation of any of the varieties of EPO-rh, synthetic Hemoglobin or other substances or methods forbidden in the list of doping of reference that improve the blood levels and the transfer of oxigeno. Conscious of the importance that has in the world of the sport in the actuality, is wish and will of the ACT, with the means that can destinar in next exercises, the continue realising a program of control of doping in the breast of his competitions.
